Anything Is Possible
Have you ever had a moment where it hit you—like really hit you—that anything is possible? Maybe you’re watching someone do exactly what you’ve always dreamed of, and instead of feeling inspired, your first reaction is to think, That could never be me.
But what if, instead of seeing other people’s experiences as reminders of what we don’t have, we saw them as proof of what’s possible for us, too? Sure, things take time, energy, and sometimes money—but that doesn’t mean they’re out of reach. Basically we can use other peoples experiences as expansion to show your logical brain that it is possible and out there.
I’ve noticed that when I focus on what I do have—the things I’ve already accomplished, the moments that have already fallen into place—I start to trust the process more. And when I stop gripping so tightly to how I think things should go, I open myself up to even better possibilities. That’s when the magic happens.
Ask and It Is Given
One of our favorite books, Ask and It Is Given, puts it perfectly: what we focus on expands.
The second half of the book is filled with simple but powerful exercises, and one that’s always stuck with us is called the rampage of appreciation. It’s exactly what it sounds like—going on a mental rant about everything you’re grateful for in a given moment.
How good your coffee tastes. How soft your sweater feels. The way the sky looks at golden hour. The deep conversation you just had with a friend. The fact that your body gets you through every day, no matter what.
It sounds simple, but when you start noticing the good, it’s like a snowball effect. The more gratitude you feel, the more good things seem to appear.
And when you think about what you want, don’t just think about it in a someday kind of way. Imagine it’s already yours. How would it feel? What kind of person would you be? When you start showing up as that version of yourself now, you bring it closer to reality.
The Sticker That Started It All
“Anything is possible”
Creating our first sticker. At the time, we weren’t even sure what Siela was going to be—we just knew we wanted to create something. And this phrase? It was a reminder we needed and still need for ourselves.
In the beginning of anything, there are a lot of unknowns. Will this idea work? Where would it take us? Were we even qualified to be doing it? But every time we see these words, we were reminded: we don’t have to have all the answers. We just have to trust in what’s possible.
The feeling of an airport is the best way to describe it—so many paths crossing, new journeys beginning, others coming to an end. A hundred different realities meeting in one place. And at any given moment, you could step onto a plane and completely change your surroundings. Life is the same way. Doors are always opening.
We don’t always know where we’ll be in a year, a month, or even a week. But that’s kind of the fun part.
Let Life Surprise You
Most of the time, we’re the ones holding ourselves back. Our own doubts, our own limitations, our own fears. Sometimes all it takes is a simple reminder to shift the way we think.
So, let this be yours.
I hope that when you see this sticker, you take a second to think about the dream you keep pushing to the side. The one that feels like it’s just out of reach. The one you tell yourself isn’t realistic or possible for you.
Because the truth is, it is possible. You are capable. Life is unpredictable in the best way, and you never know how things can change overnight.
If you want a sticker, just send us a message! We’d love to see where you put it and what it means to you. Because sometimes, the smallest reminders are the ones that change everything.