Embracing Your Inner Child

Maiya, host of Within Ourselves podcast, is all about living authentically and embracing who we truly are. Her podcast dives into stories within ourselves, that allow us to find inspiration through others human experience. She has written this blog on reconnecting with our younger selves—the unfiltered, joyful version that still lives within us.

We had the honor to record an episode with her, listen here: living authentically with sielaco. To hear more from Maiya, tune in on her podcast and @within.ourselves.pod on instagram!

Rediscovering Self-Love

As we continue to grow, life has a funny way of introducing complexities that can often overshadow the simplicity and joy of childhood. We become caught up in responsibilities, societal expectations, and pressures to conform. The world around us may change, but the essence of who we were as children – that raw, unfiltered version of ourselves – remains. In fact, it’s always there, waiting for you to embrace it with open arms. 

As children, we had a unique ability to embrace the world with innocence. We didn’t worry about what others thought, nor did we question whether we were “enough.” We were simply ourselves, fully immersed in our own joy, wonder, and curiosity. We didn’t care about “getting our hair wet” or whether so and so was going to text us back. We loved freely, expressed ourselves openly, and relished every moment without shame or fear of judgment. That was the beauty of being a child – we existed wholly and completely in the present moment.

Somewhere along the way, we often lose sight of this child-like innocence. We grow cautious, hesitant, and overly concerned with how others perceive us. We may forget how to have fun without restraint, how to dance without caring about the rhythm, or how to dream without boundaries. But deep inside, there’s still a little spark of that childlike energy, that same carefree spirit we once had. And the good news? You can reconnect with it.

little Maiya that still lives inside grown-up Maiya 🥹

So, how do we reconnect with, let’s say, eight year old you? It sounds simple, but start to embrace the things you loved doing as a child, whether it was drawing, being in nature, or making up dances with your friends – if you were anything like me. (Apologies to my neighbors who my friends and I made watch our dance performances). It’s not about recreating the past, but tapping into the activities that used to bring you joy - moving your body, learning a new skill, or being creative.

One beautiful way to honor your inner child is to surround yourself with reminders of who you once were. A simple but powerful practice is to keep a picture of yourself as a child on your phone, taped to your mirror, or placed somewhere you can see it every day. This subtle gesture can serve as a constant reminder that that little girl or little boy is still you – they are still here, still a part of who you are today.

Do yourself a favor and listen to “Take Me Back” by Foster the People. There’s a lyric in the song that I have resonated with recently: “Fall in love with yourself again, like we did when we were children.” This lyric is a gentle nudge to reconnect with the “little” you. When we were children, there was no room for self-doubt. We weren’t ashamed of who we were or what we enjoyed. 

As adults, we often complicate self-love. Reclaiming that love for ourselves, much like we did when we were younger, means embracing every part of who we are – the good, the messy, and everything in between.

When you look at that photo of yourself, let it serve as a reminder that he or she is still with you. Your younger you would feel safe with you. Your younger you would feel loved by you. Your younger self would run to you with open arms, show you their artwork, and ask you to play outside with them. You have already become the person you needed. 

The love you gave yourself then was pure and unconditional, and that love is still available to you now.

Written by Maiya Mahoney.


A huge thank you to Maiya for not only sharing her words with us here but for also having us on her podcast. She continuously inspires us, and we encourage you to check out Within Ourselves to hear more of her wisdom. Let’s keep the conversation going and continue growing together. 💛

If this resonates with you, we’d love to hear your thoughts! Share your own experiences, reflections, and moments of reconnecting with your younger self—we’re always inspired by the stories of others.

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