On Traveling & Returning

You are the Love that is Ever Present Everywhere

On Traveling & Returning

Eagles Nest, San Marcos, Guatemala. January 20205.

Have you ever witnessed something so beautiful, it’s difficult to fully witness. For me this happens when I see a golden sunset on some far edge of the world. Or I see an act of kindness that seems to transcend borders. I almost get a hint of melancholy, knowing that I won’t be here again.

When I start to feel overwhelmed by the world’s beauty, I take a moment to accept the experience, the place, the person into my soul.

A stranger in a foreign country gracefully pausing their day to point me in the right direction. I relish in gratitude and promise to remember. I promise to always do for others, and maybe more challenging, let others do for me.

Traveling with a seasoned friend whose own life inspires me to be free - I watch her make her art and accept the lesson into my soul. We are human beings who are meant to write, create, & share. I hope to live in a way that sets someone free.

Meeting a new friend who immediately feels like my soul family. I listen to him explain his reasoning for leaving corporate law in order to do work in the world that actually matters. I am reminded that we get to make choices in this life. There is not a singular path, but when I’m choosing, I can and should take the righteous one.

Love is boundless so I don’t know what it will be for you. Whatever your experiences may be, I encourage you to pause, hold gratitude, and let the beauty into your soul. 

Because, inevitably we are thrown back into our daily routines where the magic can be a bit harder to notice. This in combination with the post travel blues can leave us feeling down. However, we are not just our external surroundings, but a collage of all the love we ever have witnessed.

You get to take this love with you everywhere you go. You become the love that is ever present everywhere.

Written by Mckenzie Quartz.


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